- Estonian
- English
- Russian
- Swedish
University of Stockholm, Degree of Master of Laws in International Commercial Arbitration Law (Juris magisterexamen i internationell kommersiell skiljemannarätt) (LL.M.)
University of Tartu, Faculty of Law (BA)
1999 - 2000
West Virginia University, the College of Law (USA; exchange student)
Job experience
2008 – …
LEADELL Pilv Law Office, Partner (since 2012)
2019 - ...
Vice-Chairman of the Council of the Court of Arbitration of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2009 – 2010
University of Tartu, Lecturer of “Practical course on arbitration and other ADR methods”
2002 – 2008
Law Office Raidla & Partnerid (Law Office Raidla Leijins Norcous; RoschierRaidla), Attorney (since 2008)
Roschier, Attorneys Ltd (Finland), on secondment (1,5 months)
2006 – 2007
University of Tartu, Lecturer of Private International Law (arbitration and international civil court proceedings)
Activity in the Estonian Bar Association
- 2017 - ... Estonian Bar Association, member of corporate law committee
The Legal 500: Europe, Middle East & Africa
The international publication on overviews of the legal market “The Legal 500: Europe, Middle East & Africa“ has highly recognised Pirkka-Marja Põldvere primarily in the areas of dispute resolution, corporate law and M&A. "Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is an attorney with impeccable reputation, characterised by professional competence and excellent negotiation skills, being fair and reasonable."
Chambers & Partners
The publication „Chambers Global“ of the database for the world's leading law firms "Chambers & Partners" has ranked Pirkka-Marja Põldvere as a skillful lawyer and leading expert in dispute resolution (litigation and arbitration). "Pirkka-Marja Põldvere receives praise for her very thorough and constructive analysis and business-oriented approach. She is particularly recognised for the expertise in arbitration and also advice on a range of civil disputes."
Outstanding Alumni Award 2018
ICAL Alumni Association Outstanding Alumni Award (2018). Since 2014 the Alumni Association of International Commercial Arbitration Law (ICAL) Masters Programme at the Stockholm University is annually awarding the "Outstanding ICAL Alumni Award" to a member of the ICAL alumni community to recognise the achievements in the field of law.
Best Lawyers
The international publication “Best Lawyers” has repeatedly (2012 - 2018) recognised Pirkka-Marja Põldvere as one of the best experts in Estonia in the areas of corporate law, M&A, litigation and arbitration.
Global Law Experts
Global Law Experts has recognised Pirkka-Marja Põldvere as the best Alternative Dispute Resolution Lawyer in Estonia in 2019, and the best Arbitration Lawyer in Estonia in 2014 and 2015.
Chapter „Does a Party Save Costs When Turning to International Arbitration over Litigation?“ (co-author L. Nümann) in a book "Finances in International Arbitration. Liber Amicorum Patricia Shaughnessy“ (ed. by S. Tung, F. Fortese, C. Baltag; Kluwer Law International, 2019)
Book "Code of Civil Procedure. III. Annotated Edition", written commentaries on ca 2/3 of the paragraphs on arbitration, as well as on paragraphs on mediation (with I. Nurmela; Juura 2018)
Article “Attorney advising: the obligation to submit data on actual beneficiaries to the commercial register is right around the corner for everyone” (news portal Delfi, 2018)
Book "Code of Civil Procedure. I. Annotated Edition", written commentaries on paragraphs on mediation (with I. Nurmela; Juura 2017)
Article “Can private limited company reclaim the fee paid to member of management board?” (news portal Postimees.ee, online portals rup.ee and RMP.ee, 2017)
Article „The Estonian Supreme Court specified the limits of liability of board members“ (news portal Delfi, Delovõje Vedomosti, 2017)
Article “Negotiations are not a sign of weakness but wisdom” (Äripäev, Delovõje Vedomosti, 2017)
“Attorney-at-law on arbitration: Business Activities Should Not Be Over-regulated in the Interest of Consumer Protection” (business news portal Delfi Ärileht, 2015)
Article “Private Limited Company'ing”, sense of responsibility and stupidity“ (newspaper Postimees, 2015)
Article about preliminary injunctions in Estonia with Tambet Laasik (online portal juris.de, 2015)
Article „The Potjomkin’s Village of Administration of Justice?“ (online version of daily Eesti Päevaleht, 2015)
Article „Commercial Code Will Make Private Limited Companies Suitable for Start-Ups” with Karin Ploom (online portal Raamatupidaja.ee, 2015)
Article „Court-Proof Decisions of General Meetings“ (online portal Raamatupidaja.ee, 2015)
Article “What’s New Regarding the Recently Enforced Economic Activities Code Act?” with A. Aab (newspaper Äripäev, 2014)
Academic article „Efficiency of Mediation in Commercial Disputes with Emphasis on Estonia“ in international journal „Slovenian Arbitration Review“ with I. Nurmela (2014)
Academic articles “Eight Years of the Model Law: Does Arbitration in Estonia Comply with the Model?” and (with I. Nurmela) “Effective Alternative Dispute Resolution” and editor’s page (in the ADR special issue of Juridica, 2014/1)
Chapters „Recognition of Documents Issued Overseas“ (Ch 6) and „International Arbitration“ (Ch 7) in national monograph “Estonia. In International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Private International Law” (Kluwer Law International; 2014, co-authors of the monograph K. Sein, M. Torga, I. Nurmela, I. Mahhov and B. Punison)
Chapter on Estonian arbitration in the Spanish and English book “Arbitraje comercial internacional en Europa: aspectos actuales y regímenes jurídicos”, Volume 22 of the “Biblioteca de Arbitraje” (directed by Jorge Luis Collantes and Anne-Carole Cremades; coordinated by Marco de Benito; Estudio Mario Castillo Freyre, Lima, 2013)
Chapters in international publication “Global Legal Insights: Litigation & Dispute Resolution” (Global Legal Group Ltd, London, 2012 – 2013)
Articles in international publication “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration” (Global Legal Group Ltd, London, 2008 – 2013)
Articles in international publication “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Litigation & Dispute Resolution” (Global Legal Group Ltd, London, 2009 – 2013)
Article “The Valuation Method of a Non-Monetary Contribution was Simplified” (legal blog of business daily Äripäev, 2011)
Article “Suspending the Payment of Guarantee Amount – Possible but Exceptional” (legal blog of business daily Äripäev, 2010)
Article “Misleading of Lease Holders” (newspaper Äripäev, 2010)
Article “Creditor May Sustain Losses” (newspaper Äripäev, 2009)
Article “Guaranteeing of Deposits – Deliberate Misleading of the Public?” (newspaper Äripäev, 2008)
Substantial amendment of Chapter 14 “Arbitration” in a book “Private International Law”, 3rd amended edition (Juura, 2008; I. Nurmela, L. Almann, B. Punison, P.-M. Põldvere, V. Tuulas, M. Vainomaa)
Academic article “Estonia Has Taken New Step in (International) Commercial Arbitration” (Stockholm International Arbitration Review, 2/2005)
Academic article "The Necessity for Distinguishing Public and Private International Law Considering the Doctrine of Constrained Immunity of the State” (Juridica, 5/2002)
Head of Estonian Delegation to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
Member of SCC Arbitrators' Council
Young Arbitration Club Finland (YACF)
Young International Arbitration Group (YIAG)
Estonian Bar Association
Other professional activities
- Participation in panel discussion at the SCC East-West Forum: International arbitration and the war in Ukraine (29.11.2022)
- Lecture to the „What is arbitration and why is it important for the entrepreneur“ at ICC Estonia's morning webinar (18.03.2022)
- Lecture to the members of the Estonian Bar Association at the seminar „Management board member liability and liability Insurance“, organised for attonreys by the Estonian Bar Association (10.03.2022)
- Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is one of the best arbitration specialists in Estonia, participating in arbitrations both as counsel and as arbitrator. She has been appointed as an arbitrator in the proceedings of EKTK, SCC, FAI and Danish Arbitration Institute. She is regularly lecturing and writing articles on arbitration and participating in the arbitration-related legislative process. She has also often published and lectured on corporate law issues, being, i.a., a member of the corporate law committee of the Estonian Bar Association
- Designated by the Republic of Estonia to serve on the Panel of Arbitrators maintained by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes - ICSID (2017-2023)
- Lecture to the members of the Estonian Bar Association “Differences between Arbitration and Litigation. Impartiality and Independence of Arbitrators. Supreme Court Practice” (2018)
- Visiting lecture at the School of Law of University of Tartu “Differences between Arbitration and Litigation. Impartiality and Independence of Arbitrators. Supreme Court Practice” (2018)
- Lecture at the conference FinantsTreff 2017 “Transactions of Management Board Members with Themselves – What is Allowed and What Not?” (2017)
- Lecture on latest Supreme Court Practice on management board member liability and fees at a seminar organised in cooperation of Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, British-Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Swedbank (2017)
- Filing a statement (05.11.2015) and counselling the Estonian Ministry of Justice regarding the ministry’s plans to develop amendments to the laws regulating arbitration (30.09.2015). The respective development plan included references to P.-M. Põldvere´s comparative analysis of the regulation of arbitration procedure ordered by Ministry of Justice and submitted through LEADELL Pilv Law Office (Aivar Pilv Law Office; 09.04.2015)
- Lecturer at international conference “Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators in Small Countries” organised by Young Arbitration Club Finland (2015)
- Participation as arbitrator in annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (2009-2018)
- Participation as Estonian reporter in the arbitration research by the Brunel Law School (Survey on the Law and Practice of Arbitration Commissioned by the European Parliament) (2014)
- Lecture on the cooperation of attorneys and in-house lawyers at international conference „Position of the Company Lawyer in the European Union“ (2014)
- Organiser of workshop “What is Conciliation?“ with I.-E. Aavakivi, I. Nurmela and Estonian Association of Lawyers (2014)
- Lectures at Rocca al Mare School within the programme „Foundation for Law“ (2012-2013)
- Lecture “Arbitration. UNCITRAL Model Law and Current Developments in Estonia” at the Anniversary Conference of the Arbitration Court of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce on “20 Years of Arbitration in Estonia and Arbitration in Latvia, Lithuania, Russian Federation, Finland and Sweden” (2012)
- Participation as a representative of the Baltic States in panel discussion on shipping and commodities trade at the conference “Baltic Arbitration Days 2012” (2012)
- Lecture “Introductory Overview About the Shareholders Right for Information” at the Estonian Board of Auditors schooling “Partners and Shareholders Right for Information and Special Audit” (2012)
- Lecture on dispute resolution at the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce seminar “Cross-Border Business between Estonia and Germany – Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Contracts between Estonian and German Companies” (2010)
- Lecture on extrajudicial resolution of international disputes at the Preismann Koolitus OÜ seminar “Practical Problems in Private International Law” (2010)
- Lecture on conciliation at the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry seminar “Conciliation (Mediation) – Effective Way to Resolve Disputes” (2010)
- Lecture “Legal Remedies Stemming from Leasing Contracts” at the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry seminar (2009)
- Lecture “Legal Remedies Used with Authorization Agreement” at various seminars (2009-2010)
- Presentation “Who benefits from the Board Member Contracts?” at the Äripäev seminar “What a Board Member Liable for?” (2009)
- Lecture “Mergers and Acquisitions – Why, When, How?” at the Tallinn Conferences seminar “How to Successfully Implement Mergers and Acquisitions?” (2008)