- Estonian
- English
- German
George Washington University Law School, (LL.M in international law)
Georgetown University Law Center (Diplom Foundations of US law)
International University Concordia Audentes (M.A in international and European Union law)
Audentes Ülikool (BA)
Job experience
LEADELL Pilv Law Office, attorney-at-law
Law Office ALTERNA, attorney-at-law
LEADELL Pilv Law Office, attorney-at-law (from 2015)
Grant Thornton Rimess Baltic, tax consultant
Tallinn Enterprise Department, advertising and sales tax department lawyer
The Republic of Estonia Ministry of Defence, law department international law bureau lawyer
American Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, assistant
19.08.2024 Article "What can an employer do if trust in an employee is lost?" (portal palgauudised.ee)
17.07.2024 Article "Can every complaint by the employer be treated as harassment?" (portal palgauudised.ee)
08.11.2023 Article "In work bullying case both the employee and the employer have their own responsibilities" (portal personaliuudised.ee)
25.04.2022 Article ,,About the seller’s right to reduce the unpaid and hopless debt tax liability by VAT’’ (portal www.rmp.ee)
14.01.2021 Article ,,Freedom of speech does not justify instigation to hatred’’ (portal RUP.ee)
13.11.2020 Article ,,It is wrong to remain silent about harassment’’ (portal RUP.ee)
09.12.2019 Chapter „The Prohibition of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment“ with Kristena Paalmäe Estonian Human Rights Centre report „Human Rights in Estonia 2020“
20.03.2018 Article „New In Enforcement Procedure and In Claims Calculations“ (in portal raamatupidaja.ee)
12.12.2017 Chapter „The Prohibition of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment“ with Kristena Paalmäe Estonian Human Rights Centre report „Human Rights in Estonia 2016-2017“
27.06.2017 Article „Board Members Can Get Unemployment Insurance Again“ together with Annika Vait (in accounting news portal)
12.06.2017 Article „Board Memver Who Has Lost Income Can Register As Unemployed Again“ together with Annika Vait (Äripäev’s bulletin WAGE)
01.02.2017 Article in Äripäev „Do Only Builders Run the Risks of Unforeseeable Construction Works?“ together with Britta Oltjer
19.10.2016 Article „Work Capacity Reform Brought Many Changes to Tax Laws“ (in Rup.ee portal)
29.08.2016 Article „Employer Breaks the Law, Employee Is Responsible’’ (in Rup.ee portal)
17.12.2015 Article „Following the Example of the State and the Example of Estonian Air on the Termination of Employment, Pressuring Employees and Settlements in Cash“ (Delfi Ärilehes)
23.05.2015 Article „The Employment Relationship Ended - How to Proceed?“ (in palk.ee portal)
Estonian Bar Association
Other professional activities
- 17.10.2024 Participation as a lecturer in Addenda’s Web seminar "Newest court decisions: handling of the financial correction decision on the amendment of the procurement contract""
- 30.05.2024 Participation as a lecturer in public procurement Treff ,,Contract fines in public procurement’’
- 23.05.2024 participation as a lecturer in Web seminar "Working on a schedule - employer's obligationsWorking on a schedule - employer's obligations"
- 13.12.2023 Participation as a lecturer in Addenda’s Web seminar "Handling of financial correction decisions in procurement contract amendments"
- 30.11.2023 Participation as a lecturer in Addenda’s Web seminar ,,Preparation of basic documents for public procurement and their dispute"
- 20.09.2023 Participation as a lecturer in Addenda’s Web seminar ,,Handling of financial correction decisions in procurement contract amendments"
- 24.05.2023 Participation as a lecturer in public procurement Treff ,,How to overcome problems encountered in the execution and modification of procurement contracts"’’
- 05.05.2023 Participation as a lecturer in Addenda’s Web seminar ,,Carrying out a correct catering procurement’’
- 04.05.2023 Participation as a lecturer in Addenda’s Web seminar ,,Purchasing foodstuffs as public procurement’’
- 16.03.2023 Participation with presentation ,,Problems With Unreasonably Low Cost Procurements’’, Addenda Exclusive Roundtable ,,Burning Questions in Public Procurements’’
- 20.05.2022 Web seminar ,,Carrying out a correct catering procurement’’
- 06.05.2022 Web seminar ,, Basics of Employment Contracts’’
- 07.02.2022 Participation as a lecturer in Addenda’s Procurement week with a presentation TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRACTICAL PROBLEMS: COMPILING AND CONTESTING
- 16.12.2021 Web seminar: How to compile a dispute free technical specification in procurements
- 10.12.2021 Web seminar: How to compile dispute free technical specification in construction procurement
- 01.06.2021 Participation as a lecturer in public procurement Treff: ,,How to contest technical specification’’
- 22.04.2021 Web seminar How to compile dispute free technical specification in construction procurement
- 15.04.2021 Web seminar ,,Compiling a technical specification’’
- 09.03.2021 Web seminar ,, How to compile a dispute free technical specification in procurements’’
- 28.04.2020 Web seminar to a client „Basics of Employment Contracts“
- 07.11.2019 Participating as a lecturer in public procurements conference with a presentation „Recognition of Tenders as an Example of Catering Procurements “
- 30.05.2019 Participating as a lecturer in public procurements field conference Public Procurements Treff 2019 with a presentation „Unreasonably Low Cost Tenders“
- 15.05.2019 Addenda seminar „Carrying Out a Proper Catering Procurement“ lecturer
- 28.11.2018 Addenda seminar „Carrying Out a Proper Catering Procurement“ lecturer
- 15.11.2018 Participating as a lecturer in finance and accountant field conference FinantsTreff 2018 with a presentation „What Does an Accountant Have to Know About Signing an Employment Contract, the Changing and Ending of it’’
- 06.11.2018 Addenda web seminar „Cross-Border Working“ lecturer
- 31.05.2018 Participating as a lecturer in public procurements field conference Public Procurements Treff 2018 with a presentation „The Evaluation of Tenders, Declaring it Successful and Contesting the Successful Decision“
- 22.03.2018 Addenda web seminar „Home Office Expenses in the Light of New Tax Law“ lecturer
- 14.03.2018 Participating as a lecturer in Äripäev’s labour law field conference with a presentation „The Impact of the Change of Enforcement Procedure for Employer’’
- 01.11.2017 Participating as a lecturer in finance and accountant field conference FinantsTreff 2017 with a presentation „The Differences Between the Wage Payments of Working Abroad and Foreigners“
- 31.10.2017 Participating as a lecturer in public procurements field conference with a presentation „Does the New PPA Lead to Fundamental Differences in the Evaluation of Tenders and What Are the Differences in the PPA Compared to the Directives?“
- 19.04.2017 Web seminar „Home Office – Entrepreneurship vs Fringe Benefit“ lecturer
- 01.02.2017 Paritcipating as a lecturer in construction field seminar ,,Changes in the Construction Sector Laws 2017.’’ With a presentation „What Should Companies Consider When Participating in Public Procurements, According to Case Law’’ (together with Britta Oltjer)
- 25.10.2016 Participating as a lecturer in finance and accountant field conference FinantsTreff 2016 with a presentation „ Home Office – Entrepreneurship vs Fringe Benefit“
- 12.10.2016 Participating as a lecturer in a public procurement field conference ,,Public Procurements Into New Era’’ with a presentation „Self-cleaning – a New Opportunity to the Tenderer or an Obstacle to the Contractor?“
- 2016-2018 During periods of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 a lecturer at Rocca Al Mare School lecture „The Bases of Law“